Sunday 20 April 2008

week 24 assignment

I feel that this year has been a great learning experience for me, as i think that Criss's classes have been especially helpful as alot of the things taught have magnified my drawing ability.

However there are always ways of improving my work. I really like the idea of introducing a medical artist to the course, as it will help to break down the anatomy of the body, making it easier to draw in perspective. I have recently found that this type of process is very useful in creating something in perspective, as it really makes you think about the object observed in a more three dimensional manner.

I think it has been great to learn about art in a scientific perspective, like for instance with colour theory. I feel that this process gives a greater understanding of how we see colour. I would therefore like to see a scientific explaination on other subjects like on lighting and how light moves over the body or objects.

I would just like to note a little bit of critisism that when thinking about spatial foreshortening that there should be a mentioning of perspective as well. As anyone who is finding it difficult to understand this concept may find it easier if they use lines of perspective as well, just as a method of breaking down the figure. I generally feel that the use of perspective lines when applied to a character is something ive only just discovered through a book i bought.

But all in all i think ive learnt alot this year with drawing and the use of new programs like 3d max and photoshop.

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