Wednesday 10 March 2010

Germania update

Ive basically completed the 3 main buildings of my level now so ive just got to do more work on the surrounding walls of the level. The two images here are of the existing reichstag building that is already been built but that the city of germania would have been built around. The other building would have been the quarters of hitler or known as the fuhrer's palace.

Friday 12 February 2010

Germania main statue

This piece of work is going to be in my main plaza area. I made a few design changes to the orginal blueprints i was working from so decided to place a giant bronze statue of an ss officer on horse back. Also i wanted to ad a link to the programme that i think reminded me and also inspired me to do this project.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

upcoming project

History is a subject which fascinates me quite abit and always gets me thinking especially when thinking of subjects like war and conflicts. I was always annoyed at school when the history that was taught were of such boring subjects. like for instance i always remember being taught on the indians of america and i don't really remember anything that really fascinated me about it, as it wasthe boring parts that teachers focused on. Like i would have much liked to learn about battles between cowboys and indians, over things like how indians drove buffalo over cliffs. My point here is that if schools had taught more interesting subjects like on the great british empire or on either WWI or WWII then i would have been drawn to this subject but unfortunately it was never a subject i chose for my GCSEs.

So as history is a subject i never truely studied, i found myself getting interested in certian parts like i mentioned earlier partically towards subjects of war. It was during the summer period that i started go watch more of tv channels that i wouldn't usually watch like the history channel. I discovered a programme based on WWII that gave a basic run down of the timeline of events during the war.

This is when i started to notice that even my work was starting to be influenced by what i was watching as one project i did during the holidays was the hells angel project and decided to create a nazi biker. this was just a project i wanted to do as i wanted to test out displacement maps using zbrush, but this is where i learned the mistake that i couldn't have triangles on my model to make the displacement map in zbrush :(.

then with the upcoming release of inglorious bastards i found that i was getting more inspiration from the nazi regime and things like how they used propaganda amongst other things. thats when i recalled watching a programme years ago about how nazis would construct a new city if the war was won by germany and that city would be germania. This is what my upcoming project will be based on. in it i will try to show how if the city would have been built how it would be used to show nazi supermacy and dominace.