Thursday 10 April 2008

week 21 assignment

I find that reflection is a general necessity in life even in situations that life places us, you find that if you think about the event that sometimes revelations can appear to you. Even if its just a simple result like learning from your mistakes. A great example of something like this is in the case of my brother. When he was younger he would make friends with a kid whose personality would clash and would therefore inevitably lead to arguments and fighting. However after a while my brother would then become friends with the kid again and the result would be exactly the same. It still amazes me that there are people like this in everyday life and all they have to do is think about what they are doing.

In my case I find that sometimes I reflect too much at least when applied to general situations of life. Usually when a problem is at hand I will assess the situation and think of outcomes that range from the optimistic to the most pessimistic of results.

However when considering my work i must admit that at times I wont do too much reflection. As I would usually just create a design and move on to my next subject instead of attempting to improve the previous design. Nowadays though there seems to be a lot more reflection especially at least from Chris's class. I believe that the tutorials that Chris gives to us is a form of reflection and even the tasks set like the layout project, aided me to think in more of a reflective manner.

One of the main reasons I came to university was to grow and evolve as a person. I know that most people think of university as a place where you party and lounge around, but you find that in life the things we enjoy the most are usually bad for you. Even when you just consider food, you find that chocolate, takeaways and fatty foods all taste great. but the food that’s actually good for us like salads and vegetables don't excite the taste buds like the other foods.

There is a quote from the film 'Weather man' which relates to my general concept of life 'Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing? Nothing that has meaning is easy. "Easy" doesn't enter into grown-up life'. When you look around you at wildlife in general, life for them is survival of the fittest. But when i look at the human lifestyle you can see that many of us aren't thinking of life and death situations consistently. I think that the hardship of the human lifestyle is to keep challenging ourselves and gaining more knowledge.

I believe that if the potential is there that you can do anything. That is why I’m here to challenge my own artistic abilities and attempt to make them stronger!

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