Saturday 10 November 2007

Week 6 assignment

Gameplay has always been an important aspect of games. I always thought that gameplay was to do with the layout of control within the game, so i can agree with Chris Crawford in that there is really no definitive meaning for gameplay. but what is certain is that gameplay is all about the involvement of the player interacting with the game.

Crawford also makes some other valid points in that programers can't become artists, as creativity is something that you are born with, therefore programmers can't diverse into an artistic direction unless they have that creativity. This then means that game artists at least have that opportunity to create their own game with no interferance by other indivduals (though this might not necessarily be a good idea).

However i think that game development differs alot now, in comparison to the early development of games. As games have continuously become more complex in design then the original atari games, i think that there is more specialisation in this industry. By this I mean that developers are more likely to stick to their specific field of expertise, like for instance a programmer just sticking to programming. So with developers sticking to their specialised areas makes the company assume that the final product should be a game of high quality.

When it comes down to designing other genres of games i think that the principles of the design doesn't really differ. Of course the designs are going to be different, but i don't think that this would affect the process of how the game is going to be made.

If i'm playing a game I always seem to enjoy the challenges involved. I think this is a main reason for why I participate in online gaming as usually the opponent isn't computer AI. But even if I am playing a console game especially ones I enjoy like Devil may cry, I will complete the game on medium level and then progress to a harder level. In this game I remember at reaching the first boss on this hard level and dying after being hit 3 times, then to make things even harder when I attacked this boss it's health meter barely moved. However I persisted in what seem like an impossible task and eventually managed to defeat this boss and eventually the game, then because i achieved completing this insane mode i was granted the benefit of unlimited devil trigger, which lead me to hours of enjoyable ass kicking for all the suffering the demon minions had caused me!

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