Wednesday 27 February 2008

Week 17 assignment

All computer games needs the fundamental core software that is the game engine to run the game. Game engines are an important aspect of gaming and is essential piece of software needed to monitor and control the way a game looks and moves.

There are many different key technologies that are associated with game engines that range from model shaders to HDR. However as the game industry is an increasing competitive market, businesses must find ways of adding more to their game engine, espically now that we have next gen gaming.

for instance an upcoming game called project offset is designing its own game engine to implement more graphic technology into their game. Offset is leading the way for introducing their new mothod of capturing motion blur into their engine. this along with technology like voulmetic lighting, sub-surfacing scattering and physics proves that quite alot of programs are used in games of today. Then you have textures from specular and normal mapping which adds more detail to games.

as for subtractive and additive editing, the difference between the two is that subtractive takes away from a fill space, whereas additive introduces objects to an empty space.

the main advantage to game engines is that once they have been created, they can be used again by other game developers to create new games, which is an effiecient and low cost method of making a game. A great example of this is in the game half life as the engine was used to create various different mods like CS and Day of defeat. However the disadvantage to using a game engine is that once it has been created its more costly to change the engine and would be cheaper and more effiecient to start from scratch.

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